Sandy Hook Elementary

I don’t talk about my personal life very often on this site and I don’t talk about news in general usually, but what happened yesterday in Connecticut hits home to every person in the nation, especially those of us that have elementary age children in our homes. I have two elememtary age girls, and I hugged them tight and loved on them last night and thanked God that I have the privelage of having them in my home for a short amount of time. What happened yesterday shows us the fraility of life and how short it can be. It also showed us how twisted and cruel it can be and how some mens hearts are pure evil. I am not writing about guns or the death penalty or anything to stir up contreversy, I am writing as a dad who is thankful that God blessed me with children and also as a dad and a person that is heart broked for the families that lost their precious gift to a killer and an evil madman. I have had close friends lose children to sickness and accidential death, and I still think about them very often and pray for the struggle that it is everyday for them. I don’t know how a simple baseball blogger can make a difference except that I believe that there is a God and that that God answers prayer. I will be praying for the familys of the victims, and I hope in some small way God will answer the prayers of a nation and help bring comfort and healing to the families affected by this horrible event in our nations history. I promise that tomorrow I will get back to baseball, but I had to share my faith in God with you all tonight and say that if you have any faith in God yourself, please send some prayers in the direction of Sandy Hook Elementary School.  Thank you for letting me share my hurt and thoughts with you all. God Bless America and God be with all of you.


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