More Michael Young

Pick a side, any side..

With all the Michael Young drama going on in the local and national media, we as Rangers fans are put in an awkward position.  Do we back the player or the management?  Are all the facts out there?  How was Michael approached during the Beltre negotiations?  We know that Michael took the good soldier approach and said he was open to moving off third base for the better of the team, but a month later he’s upset about being misled and mistreated.  There are two sides to be viewed, the player who has made multiple moves for the better of the team and the organization whose sole purpose is to put the best product on the field and worry about feelings later.

    First up let’s look at the player’s point of view.  Michael Young has been a constant for this organization for a decade now.  When he steps on the field you know what you are going to get from him.  He has always been nothing but professional, he’s been productive, and he’s been a leader.  But let’s try and put ourselves in his position.  I’ve given my blood sweat and tears to this organization for 10 years.  I suffered through years of mediocrity and watched a lot of my close friends get traded and succeed elsewhere.  I moved from second base to short to help the team trade the best player in baseball and one of my best friends.  I win a gold glove at short and am TOLD I’m moving to third, somewhere I’ve never played, for a 20 year old.  I lead us to the playoffs, and then our first World Series, and instead of guaranteeing a 7thyear to our ace you let him go and sign a guy to take over my position and expect me to be a DH?  When my contract runs out I’ll still have a few good years left in me, but who is going to give me a fair contract when I’m pigeonholed as a DH or utility player?  Look at all the great hitters the last few years who have had to take one year deals at less money than they deserve, Vlad – twice, Bobby Abreau, Johnny Damon, Manny Ramirez, etc.  Jermaine Dye hasn’t been offered a big league deal and he can still hit.  Then you try to sign Jim Thome and Manny to be a DH, leaving me where?  You fail at that so you trade for Mike Napoli to take my at bats?  There are a lot of factors for Michael, but first and foremost I’m sure he just feels like the front office isn’t giving him the respect he’s earned and deserved.

                Now from the organization’s standpoint:  This team had a lot of success last year, but there are still holes.  We lost a lot of key players to injuries for an extended period of time (Cruz, Hamilton, Kinsler) and as a result our lineup suffered.  To be a winning team you have to have depth, so to have a Napoli who can play first and catch and kill lefties is huge.  We lost Cliff Lee so there is a hole in our rotation.  Webb is a good buy low option, but we don’t know what we have.  What’s the next best way to shore up your pitching?  Shore up your defense.  Young was a solid defender in the past, but his range is seriously lacking at this point in his career.  Why not upgrade defensively and get the best defensive third baseman in baseball to improve our pitching as whole while inserting a great hitter in the lineup as well?  While Young isn’t a great everyday third baseman he can certainly fill in there, as well as everywhere else on the infield.  This gives us depth in the lineup, a superior defensive ball club, and overall depth if there are injuries. The front office’s job is to put the best product on the field regardless of player’s feelings.  Nowhere in the blueprint here does it say to trade Michael Young.

                Who is correct in this spat?  I don’t think either is wrong, but there are sides to be made.  You can’t argue that JD and the gang did a great job of keeping the team strong despite losing Cliff Lee.  They let Vlad go, but they upgraded his spot in the lineup with a more consistent player in Beltre who also upgrades your defense.  Michael Young has every right to get upset, but it doesn’t do anyone any good to make his feelings so public.  The majority of the backlash I have seen has been very anti-Young.  It’s unfortunate, but as Rangers fans know, that’s the way baseball go.

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2 thoughts on “More Michael Young

  1. How does one team know how to do it right and another ( our Rangers) always seem to step into a bucket of horse manure EVERYTIME they do anything? Yes, it’s a business, but have some integrity!!! There are ways to do things honestly and openly with the player in question without screwing it up. Ranger’s could use some lessons in people management seems to me. Oh well, hopefully Michael will be traded to a team that won’t backdoor him and he can finish his career in the fashion he has always played it…with class, dignity and integrity.

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